Hi there!
Do you enjoy watching “the making of”/behind-the-scenes of plays, movies, or TV shows?
What if you could’ve been there as it happened?
This newsletter is sort of that, but it isn’t the complete story because it is still happening.
My name is Meirav Zur. I am an actor, writer, and producer. One of my most recent productions that I wrote and perform is Inconceivable: The Totally True One-Woman Semi-Fertile Quasi-“Musical” (see all official show info here). It was a first for me– a SOLO stage show where I portray myself. The topic: My personal experiences with infertility. AND it’s a comedy.
Until that night, I had kept all these experiences to myself and my husband. Since then, that one-night “presentation” began an unexpected journey of its own. It became an actual stage show. I performed it multiple times. Then I performed it at a National Theater. And then in the theater district in New York City! People were connecting, sharing, learning, and laughing. It wasn’t at all linear, there were disappointments and failures along with the successes. I was learning a lot about myself and many wonderful people I got to meet because of this show, and in some way they became part of this journey. So much became possible…
I love going to Broadway shows and had always thought it was way beyond what I could accomplish, all while telling my daughter that she can do anything she puts her mind to. Then I thought, “I can’t tell her to dream big and accomplish anything she wants but not do so myself…”
So first and foremost, this is to show her what’s possible, and to keep myself accountable.
And why not document it all, and have audiences join the story in real time? Theater at its core can’t work without an audience.
But now the audience can be part of the process.
This will be a more personal space than my social media/Instagram, because many times it felt like there’s some sort of disconnect there.